Capture your Childs best Moments.
No matter a girl or a boy, everyone once had a non-living stuffed friend, which was most loved by them during their childhood. It might be a bear, a doll, a puppy or any other cotton-stuffed animal, which accompanies your adorable infant everywhere.
- A recent study found that your child's stuffed companion may help induce reading habits in them.
- The results of the study indicated that stuffed animal sleepover programs may help develop children's prosocial behavior by encouraging them to read the books the stuffed animals had chosen during their sleepover.
- This is the first time that a study proves stuffed animal sleepovers are an effective way to get children to read.
- - NDTV Survey
The researchers from Okayama University, Kanazawa University, Osaka Institute of Technology and Kyushu University in Japan said that they hope their results support the global spread of this approach, which has a positive effect on children's reading habits.
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